neon tambourine

on Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lukasz Wierzbowski is, without argument, one of the most exciting photographers going around at the moment. Hailing from Poland, his images evoke a mysterious and elegant beauty. And the most beautiful thing of all, is that he only experiments with film. We spoke to him upon his return from a grand photographic expedition (otherwise known as location).

q: where are you and why are you there?
a: I'm finally at my place in Wroclaw making a dinner.

q: what are you doing next?
a: Going out with my friends.

q: why neon.tambourine?
a: Cos I like the way it tickles my senses.

q: what's your soundtrack at the moment?
a: Silence interrupted by city traffic.

You can buy his prints, send him an email, etc right here.

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