amanda jas

on Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Amanda Jas is an incredibly talented young photographer based in Brooklyn, NY.


First of all, who are you?
Hi! I'm Amanda. A Spaniard who moved to Ohio at a young age but as of four months ago calls New York home.


How would you describe your photographic process?
It's always evolving, I just recently started collaborating a bit more (which is a goal of mine for this new year!) and I am learning how to best work with others and how my style merges with others (or doesn't). My process began as something very simple and laid back, and I think that has translated well through the years and although photography has become more of a career i still find importance in keeping things low-tension and comfortable but productive. I have been trying to plan more before shooting, and that is a constant work in progress since part of me just wants to show up and see what happens. However much planning I might do from now until forever, I'd still like to keep some shoots purely spontaneous. Shooting film and shooting digital are different experiences for me, shooting film is a much slower and patient process since each frame costs you money and you can only try so many times...almost a more cherished process for me. If I had the money I would still shoot as much film as I used to when I was younger! 


Why the move from Spain to NY? 
Well, originally I moved from Spain to Ohio where I spent a majority of my childhood, and up until four or so months ago I moved from Ohio to New York! My family moved from Spain to Ohio because I assume my parents thought It'd be a nice place to raise a family and my father worked in the auto industry. 


Your favourite photographers at the moment/ influences?
Just to name a few...Vivian Sassen, Jody Rogac, Jennilee Marigomen, Jimmy Marble, Andy Spade, Lina Scheynius, Jake Stangel, Stephanie Gonot, Matthew Tammaro....The list could go on, there are soo many brilliant brains out there making amazing art it's hard to remember names at times. I have a blog that houses things that i'm currently inspired/struck/motivated/etc by, it speaks as a good whole for the kinds of photographs(and other mediums) that entice my brain at the moment.


Where can we find more of your work?
Aside from my website you can see more on my tumblr, 
and you can follow along in my pocket diary on instagram: @hokaytokay

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